Capacity Asia 2023

Artificial Intelligence Revolution for a more Competitive Future 

Yongsuk Choi, Chief Infrastructure & Strategy Officer at Empyrion DC, joins Capacity Asia 2023's keynote panel to discuss the trends and impact of artificial intelligence.

December 13, 2023

[13 Dec 2023], Singapore – Yongsuk Choi, Chief Infrastructure & Strategy Officer, Empyrion DC, spoke at a keynote panel ‘Embracing the AI Revolution for a more Competitive Future’ during Capacity Asia 2023, together with other senior leaders from Microsoft, CapitaLand and Sustainable Metal Cloud. The two-day conference is one of Asia’s largest connectivity conferences for subsea, terrestrial networks, data centres, cloud, content, satellite and investments with more than 800 persons in attendance. 

With increased regulations coming into play, the panel had a robust discussion around setting in place guardrails for artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure that AI remains a positive force for good in protecting the rule of law, democratic rights and environmental sustainability. 

Read the full panel summary on Capacity Media, first published on 13 Dec 2023.

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